Parent Information » Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Earthquake Evacuation: In the event of an earthquake please pick students up at the south-east gate on Heliotrope. You or your designee will need identification and need to have authorization on the emergency card. Keep in mind that your students will be safe on campus. We have a enough supplies for us to make it through for 3 days.
Fire: In the event of a fire, the students will be on the field if it is a safe area for us to be. Please follow the same procedures as listed above for pick-up.
Lock Down: In the event of a lock down, you will not be able to get into the campus, nor will your students be allowed to leave the campus. Please make sure that you keep up to date phone records available in the front office. In the event of a lock down, we would be communicating with you via the PhoneMaster system so that you are aware of internal updates.
Site Evacuation: If we need to evacuate the school site, your students will be found at Clifton Middle School, 226 S Ivy Avenue or Rotary Park at 401 S. California Avenue.